Zema Ion is another Filipino pride how made to climb to his success as a Wrestler Entertainer. From underground wrestling we able to reach to mainstream wrestling like TNA, he's really equipped with dedication and motivation to reach his goal. No wonder why, he's a pure talented wrestler with a good looking charisma that will viewers will enjoy to watch. He's currently a jack ass that will be loved to be booed and hated by crowd, but that's he's being a good actor, he can do whatever role he need to portray.

A dream tag team in wishlist... Dave Batista with Zema Ion

Zema is not the only famous wrestler we have right now, there's also Dave Batista who's currently in WWE and also in the movie business. Batista is known world wide during his prime but due to his injuries, he stop for a while and made less exposure. Hope someday the two will meet and go for a Tag Team. It will be a dream come true for a Wrestler fans who is proud as a Filipino to see the Two Famous wrestler to team up.

He also has been featured in National Geographic as a young upstart that trying to get a career in big industry of Wrestling. Here's the video:

"Slammed: Inside Indie Wrestling" is a professional wrestling documentary done by National Geographic that shows you a little about the unique lives of Indie professional wrestling performers, wrestling promoters, and the promotions out there that make up the Indie Pro Wrestling circuit. Featured are promotions ROH, National Wrestling Superstars, ROH executive Jim Cornette as its shown how they scout their talent in Ring Of Honor Wrestling, veteran of the business Danny Inferno as he tries to improve himself and hopefully get one more shot at the big time in WWE, young upstart Shimma Xion as he tries out for Ring Of Honor Wrestling, and many other names and faces.

Rock-a-bye Baby

The Wolverine Hair Destroyer

Say my Hair is Awesome... say it loud!!

Falling Ass from the Sky

Hostile Makeover... surely will give you a Broken Neck

TOP 43 Moves Of Zema Ion  (Shima Xion) ..so far

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I'm surprised Sueprman is not gay and finally decided to get into relationship with his Office mate rather crime buster mate? So that's the reason someone is always hiding under the Invisible Jet since during their Super Friends time. 

It would be great before DC announced the relationship of Superman and Wonder Woman they come up  first with something like Love Triangle.. it could be Batman , Flash or Aquaman. Of course it will be Batman who's gonna end up a loser since he's a playboy millionaire and doesn't want any commitment, anyway I'm still in the believing he has a hidden relationship with Robin.

Team Edward and Jacob are no more... 
Team Batman and Team Superman is the new Twilight

I also thinking how they gonna make their baby..? and what they gonna call the baby..
is it a SuperBoy or WonderBoy?

It's hard if you're married with a super power too...
you make a reason that you only an ordinary man

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The Cycle of life, from generation passes to the new generation ... Whatever you learned from your family is what you're going to do in your own family someday. There's no question about it, the psychology of a child that whatever they seen from their parents will be their perfect model that they gonna do when they are in their time.

whatever you did to your Kids.. is what they gonna when they become a Parents

from a baby to a man

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Family nowadays doesn't do like the way before. Before they shares their stories in their sofa or in their dining room but now because of the new technology everyone are busy with their gadgets. There are some family that I know that they communicate more on Facebook instead of personal talks, yeah Facebook helps people to get closer to their far-away relatives however to those people who are just near you, they make them looks far-away.

 What's the difference of the Family before and Today?

Just check out what Food tonight in Instagram..
Like it in your Facebook if you like the Food... then share it with the kids

Iphone + Ipad + Ipod = IPaid

Apples for the Family

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When you have a car and you really proud of your Family you usually put a Sticker at the Back of your Car to show that's your driving a Family Car. Usually when someone at your back see that sticker they will have more patient and considerate.

Here are some Ideas to have a Family Sticker in your Car:

Different Kinds of Family

Sticker Family Zomnbies

Exterminate that Sticker Family..

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Self-Defense For Women Against Men

Self-Defense For Men Against Women

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Imagine if these guys doesn't have their Mustache? Mustache gives a guy more tough looks and masculine though gay people have mustache too.  Famous Man like Che Guevara was known for his Mustache, without his mustache he looks like some common rebel.

Check the guys With and Without their Mustache

Anyway with mustache it gives more define character, remember Jose Rizal has mustache making him Macho-Gwapito (sexy good looking guy), now wonder she collected a lot of girl friends around the world.

Jose Rizal Mustache, at its best since 1800's

Chuck Norris Mustache has never been explored by man

Weird Mustache that you don't want to have

The Octopus 

Mr. Garfield

The Onion Ring / The Spring 

The Dress Hanger

The Hair Mustache

The Snail

The 'We Hate Our Mustache'

The Expendaballs 

Meet the guys who have the Balls and Expanding...??? 
See them in one big film, full of action and ... breath taking bed action..
Vesoza, Velayo , Cofiado, Jestoni, Dizon, Manalo Pacible, Ibarra, Kho, Estregan and Baldemor

There's an Old Saying in Filipino that 'If someone throw a stone at you, you should throw back a bread'. It means if someone being rude at you, you should be more kind in return. Not fair though, that's why a lot of bastard overdone and abused this word, they taking an advantage out of it.

Here are some Famous Words like it:

When someone throw a stone at you, throw him with Flowers so it will be SWEET
but include the pot so there will be an IMPACT

When someone throw a Rock at you, throw him with Rock too...
be practical, Bread is expensive nowadays

When someone throw a Rock at you, say Thanks with gratitude...
Stone is expensive if you may not know...

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When somebody tell you... you're a photogenic. Well you should think the other meaning, it's probably you don't look good in person compare to photo. In most pageant, the contestant who win the Photogenic are usually doesn't look good but has an impact on TV.

Here are some known genic-looks in Pinoy world:

TeleGenic - Most celebrities are like this they look good on TV but not in person

Cardiogenic if you're shockingly ugly

NegativeGenic - if you look good only on Negative Film

Putagenic - if you doesn't look good neither on Photo and in Person

TalikodGenic - if you have amazing beautiful back but souring face

Please be aware of the latest scam at SM Parking Lots

A lot of guys are curious with this Warning... now their question is on where SM Branch does this happen? at least they can be alarmed and aware where to get more careful.

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This is currently trending in all social network and they guy (we don't want to ruin his image anymore...) is superb accidentally famous. He out ranked all Celebrities or Politician from popularity, unfortunately, for sure no one want to be in his shoes right  now.

A lot people created a fake accounts to put him in hell of shame. They're hilarious though, thinking if  he is your brother you will surely abandon him and rather to get a Pig to replace him.  So guys, if you know Barney or Mr.Piggy and you think you have a photo with him, immediately delete it or unfriend him because those Angry Mobs will use your photo and make shit out of it.

Claudine Barreto hated the News... 
no one can replace her with this kind of barbaric scandal

T3 Exclusive Fotage

What's Barney's similarity with Mike Arroyo and Renato Corona?

in the end of the day after the heat... we are all human..
Then let's all just sing ... Why Can't we be Friends... :)

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Which in the New Senators you hate the Most?

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